Saturday, September 15, 2018

Reading List on Marriage issues

1.       Pohle-Pruess on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Dogmatic Theology, Volume XI)

2.       Pohle-Preuss "transient act"

3.       Pohle-Preuss: Impediments to forming a valid marriage

4.       Clandestinity

5.       Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church (Edited by Robert Dodaro, O.S.A.)

6.       Eleven Cardinals Speak on Marriage and the Family: Essays from a pastoral viewpoint (Edited by Winfried Aymans)

7.       The Separation of the Spouses with the Bond Remaining: Historical and Canonical Study with Pastoral Applications (Juraj Kamas)

8.       The Theology of Marriage (Cormac Burke)

9.       Cormac Burke, "The Theology of Marriage"

10.    Three to Get Married (Fulton Sheen)

11.    Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body (John Paul II, Michael Waldstein (Translator))

12.    The Natural Law, the Marriage bond, and Divorce (Brendan F. Brown)

13.    The Catholic Doctrine on the Ends of Marriage (Rev. Francis J. Cornell, C.SS.R., S.T.D.)

14.    Alphonsus Ligouri’s Moral Theology of Marriage (Kent Lasnoski)

15.    Ministers and Essence of Sacramental Matrimony

16.    Pohle-Pruess: The Couple are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony

17.    St. Thomas on the ministers of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

18.    Ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony according to Canon Law

19.    Quotes demonstrating the spouses are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony

20.    Eternal Marriage

21.    Divorce and Remarriage in the Early Church: Some Reflections on Historical Methodology (Henri Crouzel)

22.    Except it be for Fornication (Bernard Leeming, S.J. & R. A. Dyson, S.J.)

23.    Matthew 19:9 and Divorce

24.    The Pauline privilege and the prohibition of divorce

25.    Catechism of Pope Pius X on the Sacrament of Matrimony

26.    St. Thomas Aquinas on the Sacrament of Marriage

27.    Parental Roles and Leadership (Fr. Chad Ripperger, F.S.S.P., Ph.D.)

28.    Bigamy in Canon Law (P.M.J. Rock, The Catholic Encyclopedia)

29.    Christianity and Polygamy

30.    Omnium in Mentem (Pope Benedict XVI)

31.    Humanae Vitae (Pope Paul VI)

32.    The Catholic Tradition on the Morality of Contraception (Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.)

33.     Practice of the Sacrament of Matrimony according to the Orthodox Tradition (Demetrois J. Constantelos)

34.    The Sacrament of Marriage and Its Impediments (according to the Orthodox Tradition)

35.    Eastern Orthodoxy and Contraception: Contemporary VS. Traditional Views (Taras Baytsar)

36.    Contraception according to the Holy Fathers (Fr. Josiah Trenham)

37.    Minority Report of the Papal Commission for the Study of Problems of the Family, Population, and Birth Rate

38.    Is there a Traditional view of Contraception? By Fr. Schroedel

39.    Is Natural Family Planning a Heresy? (Fr. Brian Harrison, O.S.)

40.    Marriage, Family, Contraception, and NFP

41.    NFP and Intention

42.    Patristic texts which supposedly condemn "NFP"

43.    St. Augustine's use of the phrase "wrong desire"

44.    Dominicus Prummer on Unnatural Acts

45.    Bishop Franics Kenrick, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and "female semination"

46.    St. Alphonsus Ligouri on conjugal relations during menstruation

47.    The Principle of Double Effect never justifies Intrinsically Evil Acts

48.    Heribert Jone heresy

49.    Ed Feser, Ed Peters, Janet Smith, and Christopher West heresy on legitimately of unnatural acts